Any gift helps the Newman Catholic Student Center to continue to provide dynamic Catholic speakers that equip students to live their faith in culture and shape our future!
“I have the highest respect for Dr. Nicholas and the late Helen Rossi. Through the years, they have made significant contributions to the missions of both The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and the Newman Catholic Student Center. Both of these institutions have been, and continue to be, very important to me and my late wife, Mary Ann. The concept of the Rossi Center for Faith and Culture is inspirational, and I enthusiastically endorse it. The mission of the Rossi Center directly corresponds with that of the Newman Center, namely to promote the simultaneous development of the academic and religious studies of students to produce Catholic professionals who can contribute to, and live in, a culture often times detrimental to their beliefs and ideals.” |
- John W. Colloton, Director Emeritus,
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics (UIHC);
Active Director and CEO of UIHC (1971 to 1993).
“A named endowed Lectureship may be secured with a gift of $50,000. But, any stewardship gift of time, talent and treasure to this effort is welcomed and appreciated. “
-Dr. Nicholas Rossi, Emeritus Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery